Monday, December 12, 2016

paintings 4

 probably 1.5h.  birds are not hard to draw, and they are cute.  I love them.

踊っている鼻 dancing noses.    maybe 3-4 hours.  

at least 5 hours.  I started this one at like 11:30pm.  I often only start painting these when I get home from school,
which is like 10:30.  it's really stupid to start such a big painting so late lol.  in the end, I went for the glare and shadow post processing effect to (basically) hide the fact that the painting is totally unfinished.  but i guess you could say it's just me being artistic?  not sure lol.  at any rate, it conveys the meaning that I wanted it to, which is pretty much the goal for all of these daily paintings.    

"the hubris of man"  maybe 4 hours, I don't remember.  straight-up photo study.  

I've been doing a lot of paintings recently. I've had a lot of finals recently. I've been staying up late a lot recently.  I've been sick a lot recently.  I wonder if these things are related at all lol. all-in-all, I've done 21 paintings in the past month.  I'm very proud, because that level of dedication is definitely a first for me, and I can safely say I'm no longer afraid of painting!! mission accomplished.  

I'm looking forward to the semester being over (save me), so I can really get a handle on my new workload for the break and upcoming semester.   also, I'm making an effort to put my work out there for other people to see for the first time.  every single one of those 21 paintings were uploaded on facebook.  if you're coming from there, or my instagram, thanks so much for your time.  it means a lot to me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

paintings 3

 i've been forgetting to post these, but I haven't been forgetting to paint them! feelsgoodman.

was really fun to paint.  I think this has finally pushed me over the hump- i can see what the hubbub is about now lol.  i'll post some life drawing soon too, i guess.  haven't done that in a while.

i've realized this site is probably gonna be mostly a personal portfolio... it's very useful to see the dates of when stuff gets posted.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hands - no fuzz

fun.  the lay-in process was very deliberate, which I liked.  over the past couple months I've totally changed how I view painting and drawing-  it's SO nice. like, wow.  self-improvement is the real beauty in walking the path of an artist.

the colors are are a complete and total afterthought tacked on at the end.  it shows. also the thumb of the hand in the middle bothers me.  I might fix it later, but I figured I'd post now anyway.  

subject matter inspired by this crazy-ass place:

Nihilist Penguin

inspired by

truly a mystery of life.

this one was super quick and easy.  i like the pattern in the background, actually. happy mistakes.  the colors are probably a bit overboard.  maybe could have gone a lighter, colder-looking blue.  mmm.  something bothers me about it but I'm not quite sure what it is.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Taeko Ohnuki

maybe 4 hours.  had already done the drawing a couple weeks ago, but it was garbage, so that probably didn't help much.  flesh tones came out alright.  I had to use the saturation slider like halfway through to keep her from turning into an orange demon though.  felt like cheating.

 while painting, I was thinking about edges a lot.  I really admire painters with interesting edges.  referenced a couple paintings by Superschool48 and Sinix specifically.  I gotta sit down and actually do studies of these dudes' stuff lol.  peeps be cray.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


This one was really fun.  I'm super scrub when it comes to painting- I seriously have no clue what I'm doing, it's pure trial and error.  takes a really long time to do much of anything.  because of that though, I learn SOO much from every piece.

I love Shinto symbols- Torii are my favorite.  the aesthetic is beautiful.  I want to get better at plein air before I visit Japan so I don't sit down in front of one and just go "oh shit, I can't paint this"

Friday, November 4, 2016


Gonna be posting a painting a day for a week.  might do a couple portraits or something, dunno yet.

I'm trying to break into painting more- it's been a real struggle for me.  it's hard to focus on things like value when I know the drawing is off.  I'm hoping that as I improve at basic draftsmanship, painting will become more intuitive, and I'll enjoy it more. ... or maybe that's just some hyper-devious way my brain rationalizes procrastination?

Friday, September 30, 2016

Walking Man

inspired by the "Walking Man" sculpture by Alberto Giacometti.  I went to LACMA, and got to see some of his other sculptures in person, as well as a painting I didn't know existed.  it was amazing.  

I tried painting something abstract here.  if you consider using lasso tool and rock texture to be painting.  it was hard to ignore various paradigms and not "fix" stuff.  I can't say if I enjoyed making it, nor if I enjoy the final product, but I think it definitely captures the mood I've been in lately.  

also, I'm looking forward to posting a comic I've been working on soon.  a good friend of mine helped me write the first six strips.  it's called "The Barber Shop from Hell"  I think it's really funny, so please check it out.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Artist Spotlight: "Blocks Guy"

k so it's like way late in the day, I have a bunch of homework due tomorrow which I haven't started, and my monitor is barely working.

time for a blog post.

first off, I have no clue if this person is a guy or not, but I've always called them "Blocks Guy"

my file naming system makes sense to me, okay?

they have no posted name, gender, or profile picture.  they never describe, or even title their paintings. hell, they don't use tags, which is astonishing, considering they still manage to hit the front page of Pixiv.  Blocks Guy's work is striking, even shocking.  when their work isn't flat-out non-objective, good luck trying to figure out what this dude is trying to say.  you can't help the feeling that there's a narrative going on just beneath the surface, and that if the artist tipped their hand just a little, everything would make sense.

here's their gallery.  jump through real quick and see if you pick up on what I'm saying.  if you don't have a Pixiv account, I guess you'll just have to trust me lol.


Blocks Guy used to post some abstract figurative works.  they've since moved away from figure, and for the past two years has been focusing on abstract landscape, usually featuring some basic geometric shapes, like this circle.  you can divide it up into different series.   unsurprisingly, the blocks series is my favorite.




great guy to get wallpapers from!!
obviously, I love these paintings.  there's a unique atmosphere created with a high degree of intention and understanding.  these blocks look like they're eroding, melting... you can really feel how temporary and inconsequential they are.  they feel very organic.  typically, you associate bold geometric forms with strength, permanence, some aspect of consistency... but these are nothing like that.  the artist challenges that notion directly.  the world that these shapes exist in is in a constant state of flux and uncertainty.   what is there today, may not be there tomorrow.  when we see these shapes degrading, it exudes a sense of profound nihilism.

even in his bright blue sky-scapes, which are typically associated with "happy" colors, Blocks Guy still  finds a way to convey a sense of melancholy through texture, shape, and color.  just zoom in on those clouds.  those things are NOT happy clouds.  they're freaky, unsettling, and skirt the uncanny. yet, at the same time, they're indisputably beautiful.  the way Blocks Guy maintains this atmosphere is remarkable.

it's also concerning.  I think this dude needs a hug.

look at the composition.  do you see the swirl, almost like a wave?
can you notice the faded circular shapes from his brush?  what the heck is going on with this texture? 
 have you ever actually seen clouds like this?   the more you look at it, the stranger and more alien it gets.  

it reminds me two artists of the 19th century who also created art depicting existentialist themes. American painter Edward Hopper and Swiss multi-media artist Alberto Giacometti.  both expressed a sentiment that life was distant and lonely. incidentally, Hopper is one of my all-time favorite painters.

Office in a Small City, Edward Hopper, 1953
here's a bio of him if you're unfamiliar with his works. 

Walking Man 1, Alberto Giacometti, 1960
here on the last page is a decent description.  tl;dr: this sculpture
is saying that humans are just walking, going nowhere, purpose unclear.

Hopper painted modern American life as a sterile and bleak- you get a feeling of "I'm existing only for the sake of existing."  Giacometti posed the question of ultimate meaning with frail emaciated statues, showing the man, rather than the environment, as apathetic and intangible.  I'd argue that Blocks Guy explores existentialist thought with an pervasive sense of metamorphosis. He contrasts the tangible with the intangible. through it all, there's a sense of futility, but also of hope and beauty...

... and he's doing it with blocks. I think that's super cool.

these paintings would fit right at home in any fine art gallery across the world.  due to Blocks Guy's intentional anonymity, I don't know if they're getting the recognition they deserve.  I know nothing about this person.  Even so, I earnestly hope they find whatever it is they're looking for.


Thank you for making beautiful works!

this spotlight only covers Blocks Guy's most recent phase of non-figurative work, a body of around ~140 works.  his gallery is actually way bigger, and has another 160~ paintings, the first of which was posted early 2008.  there is an obvious narrative which sprawled many of the first 160 paintings, which could potentially explain the story behind the landscapes.  Personally, I'm not sure.  it looks like it ended pretty definitively around page painting number 160~.  at any rate, those paintings are also very well done, so if you're interested, check that out.  and let me know if you figure out what the hell this guy is trying to say.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

life drawing 5

2 minutes

like 40ish

fun model.  I like it when he shouts and scares art students who haven't met him before lol.

been struggling with shadow mapping recently, kinda shows in the bottom one.  got some super kind critiques at Long Beach ComicCon suggesting I focus on improving my simplification methods.  I've met some very talented artists recently who are serving as inspiration for that goal.  seeing a lot of flaws in my current approach.  it's fun though, and I think pursuing this will help make my drawings more finished looking

Sunday, September 4, 2016

life drawing 4 - milestones

for some reason all my best drawings come from this model.  his body is just freaking perfect for proportion studies.  his muscles all have the "correct" forms, are highly defined without seeming overly muscular, and just generally exist "where they're supposed to be" lol.  I don't know how else to describe it.
 we had another model in my figure drawing class who had a perfect pear figure too.  she was fantastic, the angle of her leg from her hip was ridiculous, like I didn't even know a pelvis could be that big.  all she had to do was go contrapposto and the gesture quality went off the chart.  we're spoiled with high quality models in southern california

sketch 2

these are both random doodles I did on the computer.  the one on the top is of my friend and I 
playing Minecraft.  there's like no good minecraft skins out there, and I'm too lazy
to make my own, so I ended up playing as Naurto lol.  my friend is the floating eye (for whatever reason).

the ones on the bottom were all done in one sitting over about an hour, just having a bunch of fun drawing really fun stuff.  It was pretty late at night, so by the end I was having problems keeping my eyes open, and they got progressively more stupid.  my favorite is the guy on the bottom left lol.  the miniature racecar just cracks me up.  also, the half-bowl of tangerine oranges on the kotatsu.  I just copied and pasted it lol

Monday, August 8, 2016

life drawing 3

20 minutes.  trying out new stuff.  nu pastel are gr8

20, same with the two at the bottom

these are both 3's.  i like a few of these poses quite a bit, especially the one with him kicking

portrait 2 - bengu

portrait of my friend from about a month ago.  he looked like a badass rock-album cover with those shades on, so I took a picture and turned it into one.  well, kinda.  I'm still not at the place I want to be with my painting skills, but I'm glad I was able to figure out the edges around the front of his face... I just learned what an edge is supposed to be in my painting 1 class this summer semester lol.  what a shock!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

paintings 2

Compilation of digital paintings I've been doing every day.  Time is seen in bottom left, plus comments below.  they're not exactly pretty, but I figured I'd post em.  thanks for viewing.

could have done more with forehead and facial structure on right side.  I like the colors though.

the comp is interesting, or at least had an interesting idea going.  his colors are kinda whack.  sinking the eyes back into the skull is a real challenge for me, and it didn't come out well here.

painted this the day after with the idea "make the colors not whack".  pretty happy with that goal.  again, the drawing falls apart around the eyes, and the background and outfit could have done a lot more. the nose is also weak.  planes are hard, man.

practically vomited this one out 10 minutes ago.  I'm happy my paintings are slowly moving away from orange demon people.  some nice intuition came into play on this one.  felt good. I was already warmed up from a life drawing session.  

Sunday, May 8, 2016


First little animation thingy.  30 seconds.  less than 28 frames, probably less than 12
 unique frames. took like 9 hours.  Wooo! every single sound was done by my friend. 
I can see myself doing this again.

Here's a better quality version, but the audio is way too loud:

portrait 2

A little got cropped off here, 'cause my scanner isn't big enough.  oils on canvas.  done a few weeks ago.  was really happy with how it turned out, especially the composition! unfortunately, you can't see it too well in this scan.  I had a few major breakthroughs with skin tones on this one as well!  if I had to say what I was least happy with, it would be the structure of the forehead, and the lack of perspective and form across the brow.  also on the mouth. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

sketch 1

sketch for an oil painting.  for some reason I bashed this up in Pixiv sketch lol.  did some value correction in Photoshop.  not happy with a lot of things here, especially proportions. also the gear is whack yo.  really pressed for time lately, but I hope i can fix this and give it justice over the next month

Monday, March 28, 2016

portrait 1 - Kirk

 posting this just to post something.  heads are the most challenging things to draw, except for all the other things.  Kirk ahoy!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

paintings 1

About 5 hours.  ended up screwing around with the back a lot more than I should have lol, could
have finished this in 3 hours. A lot of things I like with this one.  Learned a huge amount.
I'll scan it when the paint dries.
Both of these are from this week.  A color and a b/w value.  Both probably the best I've done so far.  Good reference for my improvements on the blog from this point on.  

life drawing 2

some 5's.  dude forgot his timer, so I accidentally rendered the head for like 10 minutes.

10 minute lay in on left, 15 minute weird render on the right.
20 minutes from here on.  Probably my best 20 I've done so far.  Clearly I need to do more 20's lol.
Was hard to follow up on the last one!

This was from a session this week. This model has a great body for this sort of drawing- very defined.  Fun night.  Posting this for reference of when I started the blog.  I'm pretty happy with these as well, so it's a good reference point!