Monday, November 27, 2017

on the topic of online media platforms for art and posting art online

wow, has it really almost been a year?  that's crazy.

from last week
not sure why I dropped off online platforms for artwork this year.  I'm just really not suited for it, I think.  on the off chance you came from a forum, sorry if you had enjoyed the posts I had been making or anything.

I've tried a lot of different platforms before, like DeviantArt, and Pixiv, and some forums.  none of them really stuck, except Pixiv, which is only because it's the primary platform I follow people on.  I've posted once, and that was fun. 

just some weird pressure I get around them, you know?  i'm trying to make this blog very open, and not get bogged down with spending 3 hours writing each post (literally what I was doing on forums),  posting what I like, not what I think is good, etc. 

the reason why I do this at all, and why I think there's any value associated with running a blog, is because other people DO look at it.  when other artists shyly admit they have a blog and maybe hesitantly link to it, or I dig for hours after finding an artist I love and discover their old embarrassing blog from before they worked professionally, I EAT THAT UP!! like woo!!!  hell yeah.  gimmie those shitty landscape attempts you made when you were 19!!  I wanna see that stuff!!!  it's important!!

actually, when I first find an artist I like, one of the very first things I do after looking at their recent work is go as far back as possible.  I try to find the absolute oldest work they're willing to show.  it's always interesting. some people change a LOT, but sometimes they don't very much.  no matter what, you can ALWAYS see the progression of their personal opinions on what it is they're doing.  sometimes you can see a couple years where  they weren't going through a great place in their life, or when they really got into a phase of something.  threads always connect to the present.  it makes me wonder what I'll be doing in 5 years, and how similar it will look to what I'm doing now.  

if by chance one day, maybe 5 or 6 years from now, I'm actually doing interesting work and a number of people are interested in my stuff,  I'm sure there will be a handful of crazy people like me who also religiously scour back to these sorts of blogs.   I'm sure there will be people who, like me, find these sorts of blogs valuable, to maybe see how other artists have done things or find some way to use the blog to benefit themselves.  this blog is for you guys, and is my own way of giving back to all the people who have helped me as well.  

and I mean, obviously I enjoy doing it as well.  it's nice to be under the assumption that eventually, someone will be interested and read this stuff, and I wouldn't  blog if I thought no one would get anything out of it, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to do it, either.  

anyway, on the subject of this painting.  this was a somewhat personal painting.  why?  I dunno, it just feels like it.  it felt like the sort of thing I should post, which is what inspired this tirade.